Paul Biya-Fame Ndongo: Signs of Divorce At Unity Palace

Yaoundé, Cameroon-Friday January 5, 2018-12:00 PM Local Time (Cameroon News Agency) A simple scene that occurred at the Unity palace Thursday when President of the Republic of Cameroon, Paul Biya was receiving new year wishes, has now become the main agenda on social media, making rounds on twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp and others. Could it be end of the road for Cameroons Higher education minister?
Analysts have been quick to say what happened between the President and the higher education Minister was a sign to say a divorce is eminent.
It was time for the Professor to say happy New Year to his ‘Natural Candidate’, and when he did that, he wanted to speak to the President or make some comments but the Head of State was too busy to listen to him at that time, extending his hand to the next Minister.
Left alone, speaking alone, the Higher education boss went back to his position.
But that scene did not go unnoticed. A replay in slow motion has left many wondering whether the Head of State was about making away with someone considered as “L’Enfant de Regime”, meaning “Child of the Regime”.
The 67 year old who has spent close to 20 years greeting the President at the Unity Palace as Minister, Secretary for Communication at the CPDM Central Committee, certainly had the biggest embarrassment of his life as he went back slowly like a pupil who has been refused audience by his madam and being booed by his mates, returns to his seat with his tails in between his legs.
But what could have been going on in the mind of President Paul Biya?
He, Paul Biya, is known for his closeness with the man considered by many Anglophones for fueling the current crisis with his declarations. Both men usually chat on issues even during ceremonies like that of Thursday.
Many have been quick to say the Head of State might not be impressed on the recent social media outburst on the laptop offered by him to 500,000 students. The Presidential gift has not only been criticized but ridiculed following explanation by a Director at the Higher education ministry that though 32 G capacity, it has the potential to resist comparable only to 500G.
The gifts which were intended to boost the image of the President could today be jeopardy in the quest to secure already 500, 000 students in the next elections.
Will Professor Jacques Fame Ndongo, the man at the centre of the laptops survive the storm?