Over 1000 absentee teachers could face sanctions

By Stephen TADAHA
Some 1 226 teachers in the Secondary Education sector across Cameroon who have been absent from their duty posts, have been given a 2-week deadline to justify or face disciplinary sanctions.
In a press release dating Monday January 27, Minister Pauline Nalova Lyonga requests the teachers to present themselves at the Ministry in Yaoundé with their job position mapping forms duly signed by their hierarchy and any other supporting document to justify their current administrative positions.
The North West Region counts the least number of absentee teachers with just 15 while the South West has 93 giving a total of 108 in the English speaking Regions of Cameroon.
The West Region on it’s part has 43 teachers who have been absent from their duty posts.
The Littoral Region has over a third of them and emerges at the Region with the most number of absentee teacher with 456.
Littoral – 456
Centre – 152
Far North – 196
South West – 93
Adamawa – 85
East – 84
North – 64
West – 43
South – 38
North West – 15
The schools concerned in the North West Region are ;
- GTHS Bafut (9),
- Lycee Tecnique Jakiri (3)
- GBHS Jakiri (1)
- Lycee de Melim, Kumbo (1)
- CCAS Bambili (1)