Her Majesty The Queen Recognises Wimbum Journalist, Comfort Mussa, With Commonwealth Points Of Light Award

The British High Commission in Cameroon has revealed that “Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has recognised Comfort Mussa, representing Cameroon, as the 145th Commonwealth Point of Light in honour of her exceptional voluntary service supporting the most vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
The Journalist from Donga Mantung Division in the northwest region has carryout exceptional campaigns to include vulnerable and disabled people in the society to be involved in COVID-19 sensitisation.
The High Commission noted that Comfort, the founder of ‘SisterSpeak237’, which supports disabled and vulnerable people in Yaounde by coordinating the provision of hand sanitisers and masks, and sharing key messaging around COVID-19. Comfort has also started a project across the seven regions of Cameroon to ensure that response services are gender and disability-inclusive. Comfort has been a long-time supporter of women and minority groups, empowering them through her organisation to tell their stories, breaking the silence on taboo subjects seldomly reported.
As part of the legacy of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in London 2018, Her Majesty The Queen – as Head of the Commonwealth – is thanking inspirational volunteers across the 54 Commonwealth nations for the difference they are making in their communities and beyond, by recognising one volunteer from each Commonwealth country every week. By sharing these stories of service, the Commonwealth Points of Light awards celebrate inspirational acts of volunteering across the Commonwealth and help inspire others to make their own contribution to tackling some of the greatest social challenges of our time, including the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Comfort said:
“I am absolutely delighted to be recognised for this award. I’m honoured to accept this award and I share it with all the volunteers at SISTERSPEAK237 and our Access Community for persons with disabilities. With the COVID19 pandemic my team and I are constantly asking ourselves, what can we do to help? Our drive has been to meet the needs of people in vulnerable communities, especially for women and persons with disabilities, through advocacy, campaigning and story-telling. The impact we have had so far is encouraging and makes volunteering worthwhile. I thank Her Majesty The Queen, for this recognition”
H.E. Rowan Laxton, UK High Commissioner to Cameroon, said:
“My hearty congratulations to Comfort Mussa on winning this year’s prestigious Commonwealth Points of Light award in Cameroon. Her unstinting support for women’s rights, social justice and public health is making a huge difference to the lives of some of the most disadvantaged people here. Her work is a shining example of the impact that dedicated and skilled volunteers can make to brighten people’s lives.’
The Commonwealth is a diverse community of 54 nations that work together to promote prosperity, democracy and peace. The Heads of Government meeting brought together leaders from all the 54 Member countries to reaffirm common values, address shared global challenges and agree how to work to create a better future for all citizens, especially young people. Voluntary service is a vital part of this agenda, which is why Her Majesty The Queen has chosen to recognise outstanding volunteers across the Commonwealth in this special way.
1. The Points of Light awards recognise outstanding volunteers every day of the week – people whose service is making a difference in their communities and whose story can inspire others to creative innovative solutions to social challenges in their own communities and beyond.
2. Points of Light began in America under President George H. W. Bush and today over 6,000 US Points of Light have been recognised. The scheme has the support of all living US Presidents.
3. Since 2014 the UK Prime Minister has been recognising a daily Point of Light from the UK, with over 1,400 volunteers now recognised. During COVID-19, the award is focusing exclusively on people serving their community through the pandemic.
4. Commonwealth Points of Light is a continuation of this programme with a special series of awards recognising inspirational volunteers throughout the Commonwealth, coinciding with the UK being the Commonwealth’s Chair-in-Office of for the next two years. One volunteer from each of the 54 Commonwealth countries was recognised in the days leading up to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in April 2018. Following the success of this programme, Her Majesty The Queen decided to continue this work and award one volunteer from each Commonwealth country every week.
5. More information, including details of other Commonwealth Points of Light recipients, can be found on the website: www.pointsoflight.gov.uk
About the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
In April 2018 the UK hosted the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, where leaders from across the Commonwealth gathered in London and Windsor. With the theme of ‘Towards a Common Future’ they will work to create a more prosperous, secure, sustainable and fair future for the Commonwealth’s 2.4 billion citizens, particularly its young people.
For further information visit www.chogm2018.org.uk or follow on Twitter @commonwealth18.