October Breakthrough: Hurry Up Now And Enroll At The ICT University In Cameroon Before It’s Too Late!

Many have been worried about what they intend to study during this period of the COVID-19, fortunately, the Information Communication Technology University, ICT University, has beefed up its academic prowess to accommodate every worry with an effective online and onsite studies. so many are asking, what is so special about this ICT University that one cannot rest without hearing about it from far and wide?
The ICT University is a US- Curriculum-Based Institution Providing Quality ICT, Renewable Energy, Telecommunications, Management, Sciences of Education and Managerial Human Capacity Development Specially Targeted for Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia.
This great institution has Campuses in different African countries such as Cameroon, Uganda, Nigeria among other nations.
They Offer degrees such as Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate, Diplomas, certifications, Consulting and Network Designs
The intake for October Session is ongoing at the ICT University in Yaoundé, located at 1 Avenue Dispensaire Messassi, Zoatoupsi, Yaounde, Cameroon.
The Information and Communication University ( ICT-U), Cameroon Campus is outstanding in the following ways:
1. To begin, the ICT University is the lone University that offers effective online and on-site learning in Cameroon. It is worth noting that this University was one of the very few institutions that continued with effective classes during the Coronavirus pandemic with little or no hitches. Thanks to the online learning system;
2. Equally, the ICT University is the lone institution that provides all research materials for her students through the E-library platform beside the physical library. Good to know that the ICT University is the only institution in Cameroon in possession of the E-library which gives researchers the opportunity to research for free. It is opened to the public;
3. Also, students get to practice what they have acquired in class during the period of internship. In a bid to facilitate this, the institution has a smooth cooperation with many companies in the form of partnerships. This guarantees students with places to professionalised their know-how ( competences ) and thereby employment for many;

4. Again, the University issues certificates that are recognized in and out of Cameroon. This makes it easy for students who wish to proceed with their studies out of the country to do so without any difficulties;
5. Furthermore, the institution provides free Internet services for students on campus to intensify studies.Tuition rates are very much affordable for all the programs : Bachelors, masters and Ph.D;
6. Moreover, the University has one of the finest, well trained, experienced and knowledgeable instructors from different socio-economic, cultural, academic and industrial backgrounds;
7. In addition, the University offers students with multiple games such as table tennis, Chess, basket ball, etc. There is also a good and we’ll furnished canteen that provides students and lecturers with delicious delicases. Also, the school helps students get accommodation;
8. In the same light, students are drilled on how to become great entrepreneurs. This is done through the lectures they received on entrepreneurship . They are equally helped in bringing up projects which can be advertised on the different Platforms of the University.The institution is equally working towards sponsoring best projects from students. This is in a bid to help students become great entrepreneurs and thereby create employment for others;
9. In a nutshell, the ICT University has produced and is producing the finest breed in ICT and Management who are excelling in different structures in and out of Cameroon.
Contact Us
USA: ICT-U Foundation USA (Office of International Linkages), 17669 Willow Trail Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70817, USA.
+12256124643 | +237651060049 | +234 901 579 1014
Cameroon: 1 Avenue Dispensaire Messassi, Zoatoupsi, Yaounde, Cameroon.
+237 651 060 049
WhatsApp: +(237) 651 060 049
P.O. Box 526, Yaounde, Cameroon
Proposed Nigeria Campus: Former Min. of Science & Technology Complex, Kurim Mashi Rd, Kaduna.
+234 901 579 1014