Mr Itoe Peter Mbongo and Mr Songa Pierre were on Friday July 29 and Monday August 1st, respectively commissioned as the new Senior Divisional Officers (SDO) for Menoua and Upper Plateau respectively. They were officially installed in separate ceremonies which took place in Dschang and Baham by Governor Awa Fonka Augustine.

During the installations, the SDOs were called upon to put security on the front line.
This was the case with Mr Itoe Peter Mbongo, senior administrative officer who took command from Mr Mboke Godlive Ntua as SDO for Menoua who was reminded of the difficult task awaiting him in the division border to Wabane in Lebialem, the crisis hit South West region. In the same light Mr Songa Pierre senior administrative officer, who replaced Mr Yampen Ousmanou as SDO for Upper Plateau was called upon to fight insecurity as cases of robbery have been on the rise in the division. A task he has to resolve by working in close collaboration with the population. The population on its part was called upon to collaborate with the administration in other to ensure their protection and that of their property.
The Senior divisional officers were appointed on July 14, 2022 in a presidential decree.