Mfoundi CPDM Boss Tsimi Evouna Boycotts Installation of Yaounde Six Mayor

Yaoundé, Cameroon- Friday August 18,2017-10:00 PM Local Time ( Cameroon News Agency) The Mfoundi Divisional Delegate of Cameroon Peoples Democratic Movement, CPDM, Gilbert Tsimi Evouna has boycotted the installation ceremony of newly elected Mayor of the Yaoundé 6 Council Friday August 18, 2017.
The Government Delegate to the Yaoundé City Council was conspicuously absent during the event to install YOKI nana as the new mayor of Yaoundé 6.
Mr YOKI who was democratically elected is said to have tabled his candidature against the will of the hierarchy, Tsimi Evouna who wanted another candidate, the party’s candidate.
YOKI Onana who strictly respected text on the election of a new mayor based in democratic principles and decision by electorates and not investiture.
The non recognition of YOKI by Mr Tsimi had delayed his installation but the Minister of territorial Administration and Decentralization, Rene Emmanuel SADI, confirmed the results of the polls by saying the laws were respected to the letter.
The Government Delegate to the Yaoundé City Council was not only humiliated, his party was also disavowed especially the principle of investiture which has often being received with strong opposition from liberal democrats in the party.