Media: Swedish Institute Awards Solomon Amabo Investigative Journalism Scholarship

The Swedish Institute, SI, a Swedish government agency has awarded the firebrand human rights journalist and political activist a scholarship within the SI Scholarships for Global Professionals, for studies towards a Master’s Degree in Investigative Journalism at the University of Gothenburg.
More than 8000 candidates from 34 countries around the world applied for the scholarship in which some 350 participants were selected. Solomon Amabo was among the first 70 candidates according to the 2020 scholarship results CNA procured.
The Director-General of Swedish Institute, Madeleine Sjöstedt, in a congratulatory letter to the awardees dated April 24, 2020, a copy of which CNA obtained, said SI recognizes some exceptional qualities in Solomon Amabo, a staunch advocate for human rights across Africa.
“You have been chosen from thousands of applicants because SI sees great potential in you to become one of the global leaders of the future”. The aim of our scholarship programs is to give an opportunity for motivated individuals to not only study or do research in Sweden, but also to gain knowledge, leadership skills and access to networks that will give them prerequisites to contribute to sustainable development in their home countries and regions. Included in the scholarship is the “possibility to engage in the Network for Future Global Leaders (NFGL) where you will have the opportunity to further your leadership skills by heading a local network and expand your knowledge in various thematic areas such as innovation, sustainability and human rights”, Madeleine Sjöstedt wrote.
Prior to applying for the scholarship, Solomon Amabo was Director of Communications at a mining company, BFG Consulting & Services in Conakry, Republic of Guinea and has been offering translation and interpretation services to companies and structures such as the World Bank.
A graduate from the University of Buea, Cameroon with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and French, he also holds a post-graduate degree in Gender and Education from the University of Kwa Zulu Natal in South Africa. Mr Amabo has also been trained on reporting on dangerous zones by the Institute of Security Studies of the African Union, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and is a fellow of the British Broadcasting Cooperation, BBC organized Hostile Environment First Aid (HEFAT) Training in Lagos Nigeria. He also took part in the International Investigative Journalism confab organized by the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa among others.
In his career as a journalist, he has worked for the vocal pro-democracy Equinox Radio and Television in Douala, in Cameroon, where he was born, the Eden Newspaper and published Eyewitness Newspaper while in Cameroon. He also ran the blog He is one of the few journalists who will report hard truths and facts about rights abuses in Cameroon and other African countries and faced reprisals and torture in the line of duty on different occasions. He never gave up!
Solomon Amabo who is also a tough-talking trade unionist has manned positions of responsibility in the Cameroon Journalist Trade Union, SNJC, The Cameroon Association of English Speaking Journalists, Camasej, the Cameroon Association of Media Professionals, CAMP as well as the African Diaspora Forum, a federation of migrant associations defending the rights and interests of migrants in South Africa. His work also made him to have a collaborative relationship with the Committee to Protect Journalists, CPJ and Reporters Without Borders.

According to the Swedish Institute Head of Scholarships and Project Funding Unit in the Department of International Relations, Åsa Lundmark, the fully funded scholarship comprises the tuition fee, stipend, an insurance policy and a travel grant.
The Swedish Institute (SI) that awarded Solomon Amabo the life opportunity scholarship is a Swedish public agency that promotes interest and trust in Sweden around the world. SI seeks to establish cooperation and lasting relations with other countries through strategic communication and exchange in the fields of culture, education, science and business.