Mbouda: Most IDPs still not enrolled in schools

Access to education which remains a major problem faced by internally displaced persons in the Bamboutos was at the center of discussions last September 13 during a concertation meeting organised by the Divisional Officer of Mbouda Jean Baptiste Mbonki. Attending the meeting were the pedagogic inspector of basic education of Mbouda, Head teachers of various primary and nursery schools, the divisional delegate of youth affairs and civic education and municipal authorities.
The subdivision counts only 385 internally displaced pupils enrolled this new academic year. Other pupils who are internally displaced persons do not have the privilege of schooling the year because they either lack finances or are not in possession of their birth certificates which they either lost or were unable to produce due to the crisis rocking the English-speaking regions of Cameroon.
Reason why the DO during the meeting in Mbouda gave instructions to Head teachers of various primary and nursery schools to carry out an adequate research in their neighborhoods to know the number of IDPs who have been forced to abandon school for the above mentioned reasons. This information according to the DO, will facilitate the process of forwarding demands for support to the hierarchy and to charity organizations to assist this group of persons.
At the end of the meeting, he also reminded school administrators in the basic education sector that the only fee they should pay in all government schools are PTA fees.