Maurice Kamto’s Survival Cameroon Team Rescues Child After Deadly Accident

The accident witnessed by the Cameroon Survival team occurred at the Mbe cliff in the Vina Division – Adamaoua region of Cameroon on Saturday night after freight truck fell into the ravine “We found this little girl sitting next door crying and bleeding. She got first treatment from Doctor Apollinaire Legrand Oko, before we took the child to the hospital.” A member of the Cameroon Survival team said.
Mother of the injured little girl and the driver could not be saved, according to the team “We were unable to help the driver and mother of the inert and stuck child. Obviously the mother threw her daughter from the truck before they fell in the ravine. She was not in the truck that had crashed.” The team added.
Gendarmes arrived when they were already driving the child to the hospital.