Loum: Inhabitants complain of bad roads

The population of Loum in the Moungo division of the Littoral region complain that most of the roads in the locality are in a deplorable state . Most of those affected by these poor roads are business persons who say they can’t make the same profits because clients are fewer.
They say circulating in the city has become a nightmare as driving through the road is very difficult:
“From the Tombel roundabout to the matching grounds and even the road leading to Semangier roundabout is completely bad . After 2 months I practically have to change the shock absorbers of my car,” a car owner laments.
Business operators say this is negatively affecting their economic activities and wonder if the council is doing its work .
Reacting to their worries, the Mayor of Loum, Kwate Wambo Guy explains that financial difficulties make it impossible for them to react:
“The Mayor cannot use his hands to construct the road. I do not produce money – I simply work with the available resources which the council has.”
The population of Loum are calling on the authorities concerned to respond to solve their problem as soon as possible so that life can go back to being normal.