LIES! Cameroonian lady who died in the US was not jilted by lover. Here’s what we know

By Ngala Hansel
News about a Cameroonian lady alleged to have taken her own life because a man she spent money to bring to the US from Cameroon left her, is false according to information which CNA got from a trusted source in the US.
The story has gone viral, with many bloggers claiming that the Cameroonian lady in the US took her life because the man she spent all her life’s savings to bring to the US, abandoned her and opted to marry an American woman instead.
The reports even claim that the said man (whom some of the reports have named simply as Willy) is from the SW while the supposedly jilted lady is from Ngie in the NW, and that ‘Willy’ had already set a date for his wedding to his new lover. But all of this is false. As professional journalists, we understand the sensitivity of such an issue and also understand that the family of the deceased is currently grieving the loss of their daughter.
So what are the facts of the matter?
What we know so far
According to our source who doubles as a leading journalist “The said lady is only 25 years old and I understand that the issues she had were in relation to her school and not about a boyfriend or fiancé.
“One of their teachers went out with her and sexually abused her and the same teacher went out with some other students from her school and also sexually abused them and those other students decided to take the case to court and given that she was a victim of that same teacher, maybe she was ashamed that her parents or people around would find out about this. So I guess she was scared of having her name smeared” our source confided in our reporter, adding that he learned this directly from the family.
This reporter asked our source whether the said teacher who abused her is of Cameroonian origin or is an American and our source confirmed that the teacher is American, leaving more questions as to why she would go ahead to kill herself if the teacher was American.
It is not clear if there is more to the story than we know at this stage because it’s also unclear why she would take her own life if she was a victim of sexual abuse, an offense taken very seriously under US law.
No photos of Willy
Another thing that’s quite worthy of note in this case is the fact that while there are allegations of a lover who supposedly used the lady as a meal ticket to the US, there are NO photos of him anywhere. This should also be of concern because if he did exist, there ought to be some photos of him and the girl together or at least photos of him alone, but there are none. In this age of social media where almost everyone has a social media account of some sort, it is rather strange that there are no photos of the supposed ‘Willy’, leading to more questions and speculations surrounding the way the facts surrounding her death have been handled by some online users so far.