Lebialem: Weekend of Kidnap and Fire

Lebialem,Cameroon-Monday March 19,2018- 9:00 AM Local Time (Cameroon News Agency) The Saint John XXIII Minor Seminary located in Fotabong, Lewoh in Alou subdivision, Lebialem division in the South West region has been been visited by inferno , CNA has gathered.
Early Monday, locals discovered burnt trunks, books and some dormitories in the institution. The gigantic building itself has some parts totally black due to the smoke that emanated from the dormitories.
The fire incident at the Minor Seminary comes just few hours after the residence of the new Minister Delegate at the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Paul Tasong, was razed by some unknown men Sunday.
The perpetrators of the acts have not been identified but previous fire incidents in Anglophone Cameroon have been attributed by government, to activists fighting to restore the State of Southern Cameroon.
Professor Leke Tambo Still In Captivity
The Board Chair of Cameroons General Certificate of Education Board, Professor Ivo Leke Tambo who was abducted on Saturday March 17, is still under the keeping of Ambazonia fighters. He was arrested alongside some students from the Dschang in the West region hired to take part in the home coming ceremony of Paul Tasong.
The students were later released by the Professor is being held for a ransom of 100 million fcfa according to newspaper reports.
This brings to three administrators abducted by Ambazonia fighters, after the Sub divisional Officer of Batibo and the Northwest Regional Delegate of Social Affairs.
The government is yet to react on the abduction of Professor Ivo Leke Tambo.