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Kombone Militarized After Exchange Of Gunshots Between Military And Suspected Separatists

Kumba,Cameroon-Saturday January 6, 2018-12: 30 PM Local Time (Cameroon News Agency) There is massive presence of security forces in Kombone, a village found in Meme division in the South West region, following exchange of gunshots between suspected separatists and the military Friday night, CNA has gathered.
CNA corespondent reports that gun shots were heard as late as 11: 30 PM Friday and following the heavy exchange of firearms which sent everyone indoors, security has embarked on a crackdown early Saturday.
Though the identities of the attackers are not known, separatists in Anglophone Cameroon are suspected to have orchestrated the attack.
CNA cannot independently confirm the death of one Gendarme Officer as local reports indicate.