After Killings In Kumba, Mamfe, Military Embarks On Mix Search This Morning

Douala, Cameroon-Tuesday December 12, 2017-5:35 AM Local Time (Cameroon News Agency) A mixed control team comprising Military, Gendarmes and Police will today carryout a search mission in Buea, Tiko, Muyuka, Limbe and environs, CNA has been hinted.
According to sources, the mixed control comes after recurrent unrest and killings of men in uniform in Kumba and Mamfe recently.
It is not clear whether they will enter into houses to check light weapons or it will be conducted on streets. But denizens will have to move these days with Identity Cards, CNA learned.
Some Buea residents have confirmed seeing military trucks this morning moving down towards mile 17.
Pictures of The Raid in Mile 16 Buea Tuesday December 12.

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