Bamenda: security teams uncover two fake wine production factories
Photo : Mbuh Stella

Security officials in the North West regional capital Bamenda have uncovered and terminated the operation of two fake wine production units in the city. These factories are said to have been operating in total illegality with the packaged and bottled finished products allegedly of low quality and harmful to human health.
The said wine production units were located in Ndamukong and Madagascar neighbourhoods in the Bamenda III sub-division.
Apart from red wine, sachet whiskey and water, as well as body lotions were produced in these illegal units. They were packaged in bottles and large containers for distribution.
“We have been monitoring this activity for some time now and have been waiting for the appropriate time to descend to the field and find out exactly what was happening. It is purely a criminal act, punishable by law,” a security officer who headed the operation said.

According to reports, the manager of the Ndamukong wine production unit who had earlier confirmed the authenticity and legality of his products now blames the printers for printing fake packaging:
“It is something which comes from the printing press and out of ignorance because that is not what I asked him to do”.

In the meantime, these products were seized by the security officials for testing and destruction if of harmful quality and both uncovered units have been sealed.
Public health officials in the region have warned the population not to consume products which could potentially be life-threatening.