journalist among over 60 killed in Chad’s anti-government protests

The people of Chad are not happy with the National Dialogue because the resolution gave the transitional regime 24 months to rule before the presidential elections.
For many days, Chadians have taken to the streets to protest what they call unconstitutional and attempt to hijack the country by the military junta.
This comes just a week after the President, Mahamat Idris Debi, was officially installed into his functions. The Chadian government has declared a nighttime curfew until order is restored, a government statement read.
Among the more than 60 deaths, is journalist Oredje Narcisse who was shot dead outside his home on October 22, 2022, the Committee to Protect Journalists reported, following an interview with Leubnoudji Tah Nathan, the president of the Network of Chadian Journalists and Reporters.
Opposition parties and civil society groups demanded since the beginning of the transition for TMC’s (transitional military council)members to not be included in any future government.
Protesters built up road barricades and set rubber tyres on fire while security forces fired tear gas and live ammunition where about 60 people were killed and 300 wounded nationwide.
But the leader of the Transformers party, Success Masra said that the military acted “in self-defense”
The curfew concerns three big cities of N’Djamena, Doba, Koumraand Moundou.