International Peace Day: CHRC calls on Anglophone Separatists to observe 24 hours of non-violence in NWSW region

By Stephen TADAHA
Cameroon joined the international community to observe International Peace Day on Thursday, September 21, 2023, under the theme “Action Peace; Our Ambition for Global Goals”, the Cameroon Human Rights Commission (CHRC) invited Separatist fighters in the crisis-hit English-speaking regions of Cameroon to observe a 24-hour of non-violence and to make significant gestures towards lasting peace.
The call was made on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, in a 6-page document from the commission. In the statement, the CHRC also condemned the recent double attacks on Friday, September 15 in Mutengene and Limbe in the South West region and encouraged inhabitants in the Regions, who are in favor of the return of peace to support government efforts.
The Commission also regretted the fact that the crisis has strongly slowed the development of the two English-speaking regions as they realized only 52.6% and 31.05% in the execution of public investment budgets in 2022 in the North West and South Regions respectively.
To mark this year’s celebration in Cameroon, about 1000 e-volunteers recruited by the Ministry of Youth affairs and Civic Education have been deployed in all 10 regions of the country for an online campaign against hate speech and tribalism which are considered as main causes of war.