Limbe: Presbyterian Pediatric Eye Hospital Receives New Bus from Moderator

By Hans Ngala
The Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC), the Rev. Fonki Samuel Forba has donated a brand new bus to one of the Presbyterian Pediatric Eye Hospitals in Limbe.
The donation made this August 25th, comes just about a year after the inauguration of the facility which was jointly funded by the PCC and Christofel Blinded Mission (CBM), a Christian NGO that supports evangelical churches in Africa.
“It was an honour today for the Moderator of the PCC to donate to our hospital a brand new bus. All persons referred to our hospital from outreaches will no longer cry of transport to reach the hospital to access eye care services” a statement from the hospital read.
The hospital’s Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr. Lorin received the keys of the bus on behalf of the hospital.
The Limbe-based Presbyterian Pediatric Eye Hospital is an extension of the PCC Health Services specialist hospital at Acha-Tugi which focuses on eye and ocular diseases, combatting preventable blindness and other eye conditions.