Former PM Peter Mafany Musonge Resigns As Senator

Yaounde,Cameroon-July 5,2017 -6:20 pm Local Time(Cameroon News Agency) Former Prime Minister Peter Mafany Musonge has handed his resignation letter to the President of Senate,resigning as Senator to concentrate on the newly created National Commission for the promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism in which he is serving as pioneer president.
The letter was read Wednesday June 5, 2017 by Senate President Marcel Niat during a plenary session at the Conference center in Yaounde.
Peter Mafany Musonge,Grand Chancellor of National Orders was appointed to head the commission on March 16 following a presidential decree,the Head of State had said the commission’s duty will be to consolidate peace and unity and to promote the diversified cultures in Cameroon.
He had been replaced as CPDM Senate group leader by Senator Chief Tabe Tando of Manyu division.