Finally, Wilfred Tassang Breaks The Silence On Nera 10 Abduction: Patience, Love, Fury, And Rage- A Time To Speak Up

By Deacon *TASSANG Wilfred*
The struggle for Southern Cameroons Independence Restoration is above all else, a struggle for justice. Its foundation is the truth, and this truth is itself founded on international law. The law as we all know seeks to establish peace and social cohesion. Peace is the ultimate. To get there, laws seeking to establish justice, or all measures or decisions seeking to establish the same must be rooted in the truth, failing which they are efforts in futility.
The Southern Cameroons case is straight forward, but for the trappings of diplomacy and geopolitics. The arguments are not weak. That is why Yaoundé and France are reluctant to come to the negotiation table where the Struggle is already seated.
However, the struggle has not done itself any good since 2016. Before the Advent of the Lawyers’ and Teachers’ strikes in 2016, Southern Cameroons Nationalism had not known this kind of splintering. Once people saw a glimmer of hope fanned by a popular uprising, everybody who thought they had a voice thought it was time to inch in and position themselves for the new nation that seemed to be around the corner. We quickly formed movements, forgetting about all those that have been on the terrain since AAC, and the SCNC, etc. Perhaps worse, is the resistance put up by some who saw themselves as the avant-gardist against the new arrivals, or opportunists. Instead of building synergy with those by whom God had caused the people to rise up, some worked hard through subterfuges to take them out. Worse, some new arrivals also thought and some still think the “old guard” has nothing to offer. Others who stood by, preferring to, as they put it, “only take care of refugees” soon thought that with their “wealth of knowledge”, they could weave the magic wand. And so schemes multiplied over the scheme, almost wrecking the struggle, but for the people’s resolve and God’s supreme purpose.
In *Patience, Love, Fury and Rage: A Time To Speak Up*, I have decided to come forth on several issues in the hope of exposing and debunking lies and falsehoods, provide answers to certain questions, open up perspectives, and beckon the people to embrace the truth with compassion, irrespective of whose ass gets gored. Moreover, *”I hope that all who have grown cold and abandoned the struggle will return and that hopefully, and with God on our side, we will move forward and quickly recover lost territory.”*
Issues handled in this love epistle include:
*The agenda that was not at Nera Hotel*
*Restoration or Resistance Forever: Why I Did not Sign*
*The Amba Freedom Bonds*
*Why It Was and Still Is a Sin to Form and Run a Government from Kondengui*
In writing this *”testament”* at this time, *I am conscious of the danger I run. With the wickedness that has gripped the struggle, I know that my life now lies in the balance between two forces; La Republique, and my brothers who have decided that there will not be Ambazonia if it doesn’t happen with them at the helm.* But do I really care about my life? Ambazonia is actually for our children and not for us. However, I trust the God who called me more than those who oppose the truth and will stop at nothing to hide the same.
In writing this testament, I have thought much more about the need to move the struggle forward.
I have for two years since our disappearance from Abuja Nigeria, endured, shown proof of patience and love towards my Nera brothers. We have prayed together, shared God’s Word together, with each one of us taking turns. Yet over this period, my frustrations have not ceased increasing. My faith in God has been tried to the limits. But, above all else, I believe Jesus when he said *”And thou shalt know the truth and the truth will make you free”*. My father, Corporal Tassang always told me, *”The truth is bitter, but must be spoken.”* Lies and falsehoods, however, have multiplied and arrogance has taken the forestage without restraint.
When you go through this document, ask yourself one question and answer it: *What would you do if you found out that your pal, Pa Tassang has become a problem to the struggle?*
For two years, patience and love have ruled, but slowly and surely as grandstanding, ego, and arrogance increased, so have fury and rage taken over. However, I have tried to contain these emotions; I’ve told the story as I lived it and live it, quoting eye witnesses/participants.
*I challenge my brothers at Nera to come out and tell our people that Pa Tassang has not told the truth. On a more honourable and surer side, I make bold to refer to the SCNC National Chairman, Pa Nfor Ngalla Nfor, as my witness in-Chief in all the events herein narrated.
For you who still think that it wasn’t yet time to reveal these events, know that I think that it is late, and that but for the fact that I have listened to the voice of our God, I would have blamed myself for speaking up late.
With love unfailing for you, Ambazonia, have I testified.
*Deacon TASSANG Wilfred*
Prison Principale, Kondengui, Yaoundé
*Patience, Love,Fury, and Rage: A Time To Speak Up*
*(A Love Letter to Ambazonia)*
Today is February 14, Valentine’s day. By the time you read this, the love feast would long have been over, but not my love for you, Ambazonia.
I’d hardly made up my mind to write to you this testament than someone handed me a copy of James Coney’s book, *A Higher Loyalty.* From its blub I got these lines: *”…. How do you do what is right instead of what is politically expedient? How do you maintain loyalty to the values of the institutions you have sworn to protect, the values you have dedicated your entire life to upholding, even if that loyalty comes at your own personal expense?”*
Dear Ambazonia,
On this Valentine’s Day, even with Ngarbuh on my mind, I reaffirm my love and dedication to you; to you the boys and girls who have put your lives in harm’s way so that tomorrow’s children may inherit a land in which justice and peace shall be commodities freely available for all; I reaffirm my love for all of you stranded in the Nigerian wilderness and at crossroads back in the homeland; my heart and love are for you who go out in the morning and go to bed at night not knowing whether the next day will meet your homestead still standing or ravaged by enemy fire. To you all my Ambazonian children whose education has been put on hold so that you and generations after you may have a brighter tomorrow; my love and dedication are for you. And how will I not also declare my love for you all in the diaspora through whom God is sustaining this struggle? May God’s unfailing love continue to abound over you, Ambazonia.
I had albeit in vain, hoped that by the mercies of God, I would not have to write this testament at this time; but *I am conscious of the fact that (prolonged) silence in the midst of falsehoods and injustice is complicity.* If I don’t testify at this point, I will not be able to look Ambazonia’s children in the face tomorrow and justify my silence. For two years and more, I have waited, expecting that reason would have the better over cowardly bravado and ego, but I have done so in vain. Suddenly, Prison Principale Kondengui, Yaoundé has become mentally and spiritually suffocating. Arrogance has reached the point where men now come into God’s presence, examine themselves in God’s Word and have sanctimoniously found themselves righteous and worthy; people born and called by God to lead Ambazonia to freedom. This love letter has been finally provoked by my brother, Julius AyukTabe’s retort to my appeal that they should divide God’s Word with humility. Ps. 143:3 says *who can come into God’s judgement and be found guiltless?* 2Tim.3:16, tells us that scriptures are for reproof, correction, doctrine and instruction. Yet in Kondengui, we have made nonsense of this. God have mercy! When *christians* deliberately manipulate even God’s Word to not just suit, but promote their purpose, then it is time to part ways with such. The blasphemy that I have heard in here is akin to one only before it; *”the CPDM is the way, the truth, and the life,”* John B Nde.
*Why Patience and Love Give Way to Fury and Rage*
*Issues addressed*
My love for you has caused me to bring the following to your attention:
1. *My doubts about the agenda of the Nera Hotel meeting*
2. *Why I didn’t sign the handwritten document:* *Restoration or Resistance forever*
3. *My position concerning the government in jail*
4. *The Amba Freedom Bonds*
*Agenda of January 5, 2018 Nera Hotel Meeting*
The answer to this one worry would have spared the struggle a lot of embarrassments. Strangely, each time the question has come up, it has met arrogance for answer; *what difference does it make?* This line has been repeated so often by Sisiku AyukTabe, it is now offensively stale. Even our lawyers were rebuffed with the same line. In any other situation, no lawyer would defend a client that will not open up to them, and tell them the truth about their matter. Yet our lawyers overlooked it; not because of us, but for Ambazonia.
I will not here tell you the agenda of that ill-fated Nera meeting because I have no clue what it was. However, I can today tell my people that it was not about *refugees* as it is being bandied around, and this is why: *Would discussions on a subject as common place as refugee crisis be considered so confidential that those going to discuss it would only be informed upon arrival?*
When I received the invitation from Barr. Nsoh Bih Nalova to attend a meeting with President Sisiku Julius AyukTabe, I returned her mail asking her what the agenda and venue were, and who else was going to be at the meeting. Her reply was a repeat of the same invitation note. I then turned to the President himself with my worry. His reply was the same invitation. I was left with the impression that I was going to attend a very *top secret* meeting, one on one with the President. I had previously requested meeting with him in vain when he took over from me at the 3rd Conclave. So I was naturally anxious to have such a meeting with him. On second thought however, I decided to make inquiries with the SCNC Chair, Pa Nfor Ngalla Nfor. He was surprised that I was invited, for even he had the impression that he was going to have a one on one meeting and knew nothing about the agenda. Next, I reached out to Shufai Barrister Blaise Berinyuy and his reply was the same. He had no idea about the agenda and also thought it was a one on one meeting he was going to have with the President. I therefore left for Illorin without a clue of what I was going there for. All these notwithstanding, I went, in respect for Ambazonia’s leader and also, perhaps more importantly, because I needed some urgent answers from the President failing which I was ready to turn down his offer to serve as Secretary for Education in his government.
The above story informs me, and has done so even whilst we were yet captives in Nigeria, that refugee crisis was not the reason for that emergency meeting. And which refugee crisis? The same refugees he could not visit? Why this sudden concern that would cause the President to call off important engagements in the US to return to Nigeria? And if it actually was for refugee issues, how come then that Barrister Nalova Bih is quoted as having said that the meeting was intended to *reconcile me, Tassang, and Milan?* And if this too were the case, is reconciliation done by ambush? And how urgent was that reconciliation to warrant people traveling in from the US, South Africa and from Addis Ababa at short notice?
Like I said, even as of this date, I still don’t know what the agenda of that meeting was and Sisiku has made it clear that he owes explanation on that issue to nobody. This in fact, is what he told Dr Eric Tita Moh-Takwi, former SCNC Chair for North America who is incarcerated here in prison with us.
Moreso, I was informed in SED by Dr Fidelis Nde Che that before I arrived Nera Hotel, he had noticed that there was a man he identified as a *”paysan,”* meaning Camerounese, listening in on their conversation and relaying information. He said he informed Sisiku Julius AyukTabe about this but the latter ignored him. (When we arrived SED on January 25, 2018, Dr Nde Che recognised the said *paysan.*among the reception party ) He, Dr Nde Che even went round the hotel premises to make sure nothing was really amiss but saw nothing else to worry about.
I was the last person to arrive Nera Hotel and at dusk. I was served water and dinner was ordered in the hotel garden. Whilst we waited, President AyukTabe opened the meeting. And I thought to myself; *”a very top secret meeting in a crowded hotel garden.”* Before our abductors arrived some thirty minutes or thereabouts later, the few declarations from Sisiku Julius AyukTabe left me with many doubts after he announced the agenda to be *refugee crisis*, and naming Professor Awasum as the person to speak on that point. Now, I was confused because Awasum was not the person in charge of refugees in SCINGA, neither in Sisiku’s government. Actually, the person who was in charge of refugees was Dr. Kimeng Henry, Under Secretary for Health and Social Services, and SCINGA Social Affairs officer handling refugees and he was right there with us. Isn’t this an incongruity? He didn’t allow Awasum to speak but went ahead to name other speakers and called them to speak; the Secretary for Home Affairs, Dr Ojong Okongo was called to address the meeting concerning his department. Dr Ojong said he was not ready having not been notified, and motioned to the Under Secretary, Shufai Barrister Blaise Berinyuy to speak in his stead. Shufai’s response was that he’d left his laptop in his hotel room.
Next speaker called to speak at the meeting was Dr Fidelis Nde Che who was asked to review defense. Whoof! Dr Fidelis Nde Che asked Sisiku what he had to do with Defense, and the matter passed. It was at this juncture I think, that our visitors, the abductors arrived and swooped us away even when Nalova was still struggling with the restaurant.
*Whilst in SED, Fidelis would not cease asking himself why Julius demanded that he speak on defense when he was not concerned with defense in anyway?*
*Now Ambazonia, judge for yourselves; were we gathered at Nera Hotel because of refugees?* My answer is NO.
*Restoration or Resistance Forever: Why I Didn’t Sign*
On December 8, 2016, life abruptly came to an end for some five valiant Southern Cameroons young men who came out to protest against injustice and falsehoods Yaoundé came to force down their throats in Bamenda. On January 13, 2017, two commercial motorbike riders amongst the crowd of riders who had put their lives on the line to protect mine were gunned down in Ntarikon neighbourhood, Bamenda. Their crime; they were riding to my residence to make certain that I had reached home safely. I never got to my home that night, neither did they see their homes. Actually, these convoy of bike riders with one car in their tow was mistaken for my escort convoy, and the ambush party was meant to kill me. I spent that night at the Bamenda General Hospital with the sons of a nation that is yet to see the light of day whilst they battled for their lives. Ever since, thousands more have given up their lives so that tomorrow can be better for others. All of those who have died, and those yet to die could have become leaders if they chose to preserve their lives whilst others fought.
It is not a funeral dirge I am writing here. It is about why I refused to append my signature to a document that was handwritten and signed by my 09 brothers of the Nera Hotel mystery. Many have asked to know why I did not sign that *wonderful* document. My answer to them up until now has been that *the document passed me by unnoticed.* I am sorry I lied, but at the time, it was necessary. I didn’t want family members and friends who came to comfort us to notice that we were divided so soon. But before I let Ambazonia know why I didn’t sign that otherwise wonderful document, it will be good to let the people have a glimpse of what preceded that document.
Something strange happened when we entered Kondengui prison. During our very first meeting, Sisiku Julius AyukTabe divided the group into two, and requested that they (AyukTabe, Ogok Ntui, Cornelius Kwanga, C A Awasum, Fidelis Nde Che, and Kimeng Henry) who are Nigerian residents should have their own meeting whilst the four of us, refugees from Ground Zero held ours. It stroke me as vicious because it was divisive. Moreso, he convened two meetings and gave no agenda. The meeting of the four of us from Ground Zero, (Pa Nfor, Eyambe, Shufai Berinyuy, and myself, Tassang) never held. I mean that we didn’t even as much as make an attempt to hold a meeting. Our Nigerian brothers did hold their meeting. Another curiosity never satisfied; Sisiku did not bother to ask us about the outcome of our meeting, neither did they share with us the outcome of theirs. *I can now say with conviction that, that meeting they held sowed the evil seed that is now tearing the struggle apart.*
A few days later, I noticed that there was power tussle between my brothers here in prison and the Sako led team. I kept having this eery feeling each time we met to discuss. The whole idea of people fighting for power in prison beats my imagination. It was to say the least, preposterous, and an idea very farcical to consider. Then accusation after accusation against Sako followed. I was shocked and overwhelmed at how they were able to get such *”reliable information”*. I expressed my reservations but there was none to pay heed. Then APNC, and this, and that were being discussed with a lot frenzy, anxiety and expectations. It was clear that the struggle was close to a precipice.
It was in the heat of this confusion that our brothers from South Africa sent to us a document they wanted us to append our signatures to. President AyukTabe explained that the document when signed, would get the struggle into impossible networks and the struggle would be catapulted into victory as support would come from all over. Again, I felt something was not right with this project. The answer, I got when I went through the proposal from South Africa.
*The correctness and wrongness of what men do most often depends on the leitmotif.* And experts of the written word will agree that there is the *spirit of the letter* behind most texts, especially political and legal documents. When I discovered that the spirit behind that project was wrong, I requested that the document that was being handwritten by Barrister Eyambe Elias be brought to plenary because I had reservations, but once more, I was ignored. The document was hastily written and signed, to supposedly, meet some mythical dateline. It brought euphoria amongst our people and the leadership in detention was hailed. I watched and saw my brothers bask in new found fame; they, in their own eyes had risen to the status of Mandela just by signing that document.
Still, I have not said why I didn’t sign.
Reading the draft document from South Africa, I came to the part that said: *”Why must you sign this document?”*. The answer to this question was: *”So that you may be seen as the only legitimate leaders of the struggle”*. Only legitimate! Had Ambazonia become property of Nera 10? This said everything. So it was not about catapulting the struggle to any level anywhere here on earth or in the nether world; it was about power. I was shocked. Who said that only Sisiku Julius AyukTabe will bring freedom to Ambazonia? The ground had only been laid to take power from prison, or should I say, to ruin or delay the struggle. Certainly, ruin we have had as a result, but it is enough to cause delay only.
Ambazonia my love, is it possible that whilst our people are dying, those who are under the custody of the enemy, in a prison called *Maximum Security Prison Kondengui* can actually take power in prison and truly run the struggle in the interest of the people?
Since then, everyday has been a nightmare for me. And it eventually happened, or an attempt was made.
*Why I Rejected and Denounced the Kondengui IG*
My rejection of the government formed and run from Kondengui is on very profound political and pragmatic grounds.
Firstly, a government is not an individual. All government’s are crafted in a way that does not allow room for voids at anytime, no matter the circumstance. Even in this land of darkness called La Republique du Cameroun, it is provided for in their constitution that in the case of sudden or permanent vacancy at the helm of government due to death or several other reasons, the President of the Senate will assume presidential functions for a determined period of time in the interim. If Ambazonia has a government, then its constitution should have similar provisions. And it does have. *That constitution is the highest authority governing all who have chosen to belong to this big faction of the struggle, and should be above all other institutions including the President; yes, and even those who helped to draft it; I mean that it is above Sisiku Julius AyukTabe.* Besides the constitution, there is also *the Restoration Council* whose setting up he also oversaw. This Council to which was given the attributes of Parliament has legitimacy and its authority is far reaching, having the power to swear in, impeach and remove from office Ambazonia’s revolutionary leaders. *Did Sisiku AyukTabe mean for these institutions to be rubber stamps, approving when he coughs and or farts?* With the above institutions and more in place, *it is therefore not possible that people, abducted under very foggy circumstances can even think of assuming functions from prison, no matter what.* Don’t we say that Ambazonia has more than 08 million people, and with a very huge educated and very dynamic diaspora?
Secondly, I objected and even now do so very forcefully because I am a man of honour. Whilst I was the leader at liberty and Agbor Balla and Fontem were incarcerated in this same prison, I resisted and the struggle supported me, all attempts by my own leaders to take command of the struggle from prison. Did I have reason to fear that they were acting under pressure? Certainly, and not only I, but all of us. We all encouraged them to hang on and not to lose hope whilst we fought for their release. By the time the two were released, you all bear me witness, our brothers, especially Barrister Agbor Balla, were not the same. How can I, and we, who are now in their situation dare to think the contrary? *Is not what is good for the goose also good for the gander?* Can we afford, in a struggle for justice to lay a foundation of double standards?
It will be better that I illustrate the foolishness in the attempt at dissolving the government and running one from Kondengui, the enemy’s heart of terror. *I tell you, this prison is so dreaded that people shiver just walking by its walls outside.*
*Now imagine that you, the reader at the moment, are a soldier, and that your Battalion Commander is captured and you have confirmed that he is in the custody of the enemy.* If he were to call from his chains and shackles and ask you to give him your strategies and routes, will you obey your Commander? If you do, then your name is *Fingong, I mean Idiot,* if you don’t mind. If you won’t obey him, what will be your reason, or reasons? In your place, *I will not obey for the simple reason that I naturally will assume that the enemy is standing over his head with a pistol, compelling him to set up his own men to fall into an ambush.* So how could anyone in our situation think that they can from prison give orders and receive reports from men acting on our behalf?
*Second illustration; imagine that the sitting American president, Donald Trump falls into the hands of the KGB.* What do you think would happen if the US Capitol were to confirm that Trump is actually in the hands of their archenemy? I don’t really know what the American constitution provides, but I can bet that *the situation of their president would be considered as compromising* and he would be removed from office even while an elite squad and the Marines are prepared and sent to his rescue. And I don’t think it will end here; *several security codes (nuclear) known by him will immediately be changed.* Why? Because *the president, fallen into the hands of the enemy becomes a danger (in spite of himself) both to himself and his entire country,* the very country he took an oath to protect.
I submit that the January 5th 2018 abductions actually moved the struggle forward for Yaoundé committed a great blunder, breaking international law. Our abduction is also actively responsible for the sudden courage that came upon our boys and girls, propelled by the Amba Peace Plan. How come therefore that what has moved the struggle forward in so short a time has also become that which has caused much pain, heartbreak and delay?
*The Amba Freedom Bonds*
I have since the formation of the Kondengui IG distanced myself from all its activities both in here and out there, this notwithstanding the fact that I have come to terms with this reality and have like others, reluctantly encouraged collaboration with it. It is in this light that I have refused to comment about any of the KIG’s activities when asked. That however can nolonger continue, at least, not concerning the subject in question here above.
On Wednesday, 15/01/2020, I strayed into a general meeting of our compatriots here in prison. I walked in when Sisiku AyukTabe was answering a question and said the *Amba Freedom Bonds was an exclusive Nera 10 project.* This shocked me to the marrow; I was being associated to a project I knew absolutely nothing about. The next day, I confronted the SCNC Chairman on the subject. I wanted to know from him how they could connect me to their project even when they knew that I had denounced the prison government and have as a consequence, stopped attending their meetings. Pa Nfor told me he himself was shocked to hear that it was a Nera 10 project. The matter had never come up in the “Nera 10” weekly meetings, he said.
About a fortnight later, one of Sisiku AyukTabe’s visitors came over to where I was chatting with family to encourage me. She had hardly sat down when Dr Fidelis Nde Che followed. He, in despite, set to convince her to buy their bonds. When he left, my guest turned to me and asked what I thought about these Amba Freedom Bonds. Know what I told her? *No comment.* She pushed further; are Ambazonia’s natural resources not being pledged away through these bonds? *Sheepishly*, I told her to judge for herself. That night, dear people, I could not sleep. I was ashamed of myself. I had disgraced the teaching profession before a colleague young enough to be my daughter. My heart has ached with vicious pain ever since, and I have shamed myself.
But today, on this day, and on this occasion wherein I reaffirm my unfailing love for Motherland, I have chosen to withdraw the *no comments.*
Bonds whether cooperate or government, are investments. In this case, a bond is an economic instrument that can only be issued by a sovereign government. *The myriad of groups in the struggle means that though we are united in purpose, we are not united in method.* The question is for each and every one of us to answer. Can anyone of these groups claim so much legitimacy to enable it issue or carry out such an activity? My answer is a big *NO*. Not even the Interim Government led by Bro. Sako Samuel can issue such a document capable of pledging away Ambazonia’s resources before the land is even freed. I have in the past discouraged all such initiatives, including the issuance of passports initiated by South Africa whilst I was SCACUF Secretary General. For any one faction in this struggle to lay claim to so much legitimacy is to be overly arrogant and despiteful of the Ambazonian people.
*.My real problem about these bonds lies in the fact that some people here in prison have decided to do business and make profit where others are paying with their lives.* Is it fair Ambazonia? That our boys are fighting and dying; villages are being burnt and hundreds of thousands are homeless; thousands have lost their jobs and about a million children can’t go to school, while thousands of Ambazonians in the diaspora are contributing and have been doing so since 2017, raising millions of dollars, and my brothers of Nera Hotel sit in prison and plan this *reap off?* That is what it is, real reap off. Am sorry to be hard, but there is no other word to describe what these Amba Freedom Bonds are.
From the foregoing, it should be clear to those investing in these bonds that it is very risky business. The chances of these bonds being redeemed are near nil. Not even a government led by Sisiku Julius AyukTabe will be able to redeem the bonds, except of course, in a situation where we surrender homeland to him, to do as he wills; dictatorship. *Amba Freedom Bonds* is an arrogant project, one most despiteful.
The time for us to experiment university lectures, economic theories and principles if this is what it is, will soon be here, by God’s special grace. Certainly, it is not now.
*Was It for Love of Justice or for Power?*
Peace is the ultimate. To get there, the truth must be spoken always even if it is against personal interest and the outcome thereof is justice. It is in the interest of a struggle like ours that seeks justice to speak the truth even when it hurts. Therefore, we must start speaking the truth to ourselves before we can expect to have justice within and without the struggle. Truth and justice only will bring peace to Ambazonia and heal our wounds.
I hate to quote myself, but I am at this point obliged to; *”The struggle is on autopilot.”* When I made this statement, I didn’t mean that some robots or some such automated system were in charge. No. I meant and still hold that God who ordained the struggle is in control. Does this mean that we can now do whatever we like and it shall be well with the revolution? Whatever plan God has for His people Ambazonia, He will execute through His children in Ambazonia. For those who believe in Him as I do, we know that *all things work together for good for them that love God and who are called according to His purpose.* It was in God’s power to stop the Nera abductions. Why then did He let it happen? My answer by faith and Ambazonia shall testify to this when the truth shall be revealed, is that *the abduction was better than what the devil through his agents had initially planned to take place.*
Dear Ambazonia, even now, the abductions have worked for good in that La Republique du Cameroun has been exposed for what she is, a lawless state, and daily, Yaoundé is living up to this tag. Those by whose gullibility or deliberate wickedness this setback took place could also benefit from it if they would only keep aside cowardly bravado and ego, and tell Ambazonia what really happened. Yet, they continue to hold tight to the reins of power that long eluded them and in so doing have also caused a lot of confusion, deaths, stress, pain and have greatly retarded homeland restoration.
To those who did this to a people who have suffered slavery and servitude for more than half a century, I have one question; *Why?*
Yet this *WHY* is the one *why* that must be answered and which answer *will bring relief to our pain, reduce our stress, pull us back together, heal our wounds and console us.* How soon do we want this to happen?
*What was the agenda of that urgent secret meeting at Nera Hotel on that faithful January 5th, 2018?* No matter how long we drag this out, this question shall be answered and it is key. *The more it delays, the more the pain increases and the more difficult shall the healing be.* Those who have refused to provide answers know the centrality of this question to peace and cohesion within the struggle. That they have for more than two years deliberately and stubbornly refused to do so is a mark of wickedness. My question; *why do they hate Ambazonia so much?*
Dear Ambazonia, we have only one thing we should at this juncture, do; pray and seek God’s face for this and for the rest of the struggle. And for as long as the struggle lasts, Ambazonia should forgive and get ready to forgive those responsible for Nera Hotel, and those responsible for all other acts of treachery within the struggle. Vengeance is the Lord’s.
*The struggle is still on autopilot; God is still very much in control.*
From Prison Principale Kondengui, Yaoundé, I have with love unfailing, with my own handwritten and signed.
*Deacon TASSANG Wilfred*
PPKY, 20/02/2020