NCC Sends Press Freedom Day Message With Sanctions

The National Communication Council has suspended five Newspapers and one Radio broadcasting house in its latest sanctions made public Wednesday April 26, 2017.
A release signed by Joseph MVOTO OBOUNOU of the media regulatory organ, L’Epervier Plus, Ouest Littoral, Le Satellite, La Nation, La Nouvelle Newspapers and Kiss FM were all suspended for at least one month.
The L’Epervier Plus newspaper suffered double blow in two different cases; the first against the Senior Divisional Officer for Mefou and Akono, David Embe who complained that the newspaper tarnished his image by reporting unfounded story that he embezzled money meant for the locality of Binguela. The NCC suspended the organ and its acting Publisher Mrs Tamouya for six months for unfounded claims and non respect of deontology.
L’Epervier was also sanctioned for unfounded claims against the Director of the Yaoundé Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital, ANGWAFO FRU where it was claimed that the hospital is involved in child trafficking .EYEGUE Minlo, journalists and author of the said article was given six months suspension from practicing Journalism in Cameroon.
The case of Professional Footballer, Samuel Eto’o against La Nation D’Afrique newspaper in which the organ wrote that while in Gabon for the 2017 AFCON, Eto’o was involved in indecent activities and was always in conflict with Cameroon authorities. The newspaper has been suspended for three months with the author of the article Charles Mael BINGAMO and its Publisher SABOUANG YEN.
Kiss FM was suspended for a period of one month, the host of the program ‘Arbre a Palabre’ and it’s host Engelbert MFOMO will also be off air for one month for unfounded claims and violation of professional ethics on the case of Chief Warrant Officer IYONG YANZE Irene Flore, Interim Commander of the Ahala gendarmerie post.
La Nouvelle newspaper also suffered sanctions from the NCC; it received a three months sanction on the case against Alain –Richard CHEDJOU. The regulatory organs noted that unfounded, offensive and suggestive claims were made to his person in its 354th Issue. The author of the said article Francoise OWONA was also banned for three months.
The newspaper Ouest Littoral of Benjamin AZEBAZE was also banned for three months for unfounded claims against BANDJI BELATE Alain Bertrand who according to NCC was falsely accused by the organ of overbilling the State for purchase of residence of Ambassador of Cameroon in France. The author of the article was also given three months ban.
LA Satellite was also banned for three months for same crime as above.
The NCC urged cable distributors to disconnect Afrique Media from their lines because according to them, the Pan African Television Channel is not practicing responsible journalism.