Eto’o and FECAFOOT Candidacy: Pre and Post Election Challenges

By Tarlusi Jitzi George Tando*
Samuel Eto’o’s ambition to become the next FECAFOOT boss is seemingly the highest talked about ever since the body was created some decades ago. The former international striker has undoubtedly demonstrated a do-or-die ambition to not only become the next president of the Federation but to change the paradigm for the Golden game now and for the future. But certain things stand out clear which football analysts are either yet to dwell on or have chosen to be mute on…that may be considered risk factors when gunning for that top job. Else the elections may end up with shocking results. Here are points that can easily send Eto’o under the bus;
1) Except otherwise, but if truly Eto’o owns another nationality, it would take just a single click (usually by his opponents) to challenge his candidacy in the court of law. This happened to Ndedi Eyango when he won elections as President of Cameroon music corporation, SOCAM but he was later disqualified by the law courts according to the country’s constitution after a complaint filed by one of his opponents.
2) Eto’o seems not to have reservations for certain declarations and comments about what surrounds this Fecafoot election especially the utterances he is making about his main opponent, the incumbent President-Seidou Mbombo Njoya. First of all, he seems to behave as if elections into Fecafoot presidency would be by popular votes. By continuously talking to popular masses or better still “popular side” about why he’s challenging Seidou Mbombo Njoya could be reserved for either the constituted masses or the Delegates. This would create fears, personality doubts, and mistrust within the Fecafoot “clique”, who are believed to be modest and reserved on issues that happen within the football house.
3) One of Eto’o’s declarations (decisions) states that he would not place himself on a salary, but would rather use his financial rights from fecafoot to develop football in Cameroon. Yes, this is sweet news to the masses who, if given the chance, would vote massively for Eto’o. His outing on a certain tv channel also saw him as a better candidate. But when Mr. Eto’o keeps lambasting people only interested in making money at Fecafoot is interestingly a threat to even the delegates he expects votes from. Eto’o seems to forget that Fecafoot is the “Mafia-In-Chief” institution in Cameroon, worsened by political infiltrators or being attached to the political class that would stop at nothing to see into it that only a mafia promoter heads the institution. If Eto’o should choose his words while on campaigns to cleanse the mess within that football house, the better things would work for him. Some delegates and people in high positions have stains on their palms in connection with Federations palaver and would not want any “Mr. Clean” to embarrass them someday. Ministry of sports, both past and present, and some high ranking politicians of doubted integrity would prefer some who is going to protect their image as well. For instance, the government’s inability to make ready the infrastructures that would host the upcoming AFCON is a clear example of this inertia that needed a no-nonsense Fecafoot boss. But they would stop at nothing to make sure the man at Fecafoot shouldn’t be of any doubtful character when it comes to such political undertones. Eto’o on many occasions has proven that he can easily flip when angered.

4) This video he shot in Limbe recently that made rounds on social media has a lot of meaning. Going into an election and shooting such a video showed another downside of Eto’o. Impartial football analysts and opponents can use such videos to his disadvantage for DOUBLE lies telling in a short sentence.
a) Eto’o said he is in Limbe without a bodyguard. This was not true as immediately exposed in the same video (photo) where a bodyguard of the gendarmerie corps was spotted standing on alert behind him when he was eating roast meat “soya”.
b) Eto’o’s short sentence insinuated that all is well in the South West Region, to the embarrassment of millions of conscious human beings at a time when calm is yet to return especially in Ekondo Titi following the recent massacre of school children besides other current bloodsheds. Eto’o who is what is called UNICEF GOODWILL AMBASSADOR was highly expected to use his position as is done by other stars around the world to at least call for a STOP to the violence, killings etc when the crisis was even at the baby stage. He has been mute to date. He would be seen as interested in power and not in humanity. Such a video aimed at sending a message to the world that everything is fine in the South West region, which is untrue.
5) Lastly, Eto’o is making several public outings while the incumbent is missing and mute. This may be very dangerous. Seidou Mbombo Njoya may just be playing the silent gentle dangerous lion. Also, the call by Eto’o for the disqualification of Seidou Njoya which was rejected by the Appeals Committee is seen as a humiliation and blow for Eto’o.
Finally, Eto’o would harvest good votes from delegates if, after his public declarations, he will not only paints a brighter future for Cameroon football but make them see what they stand to gain under him. Delegates do not only care about the better dimension of the golden game but their own personal interest. That should be before votes. After which he may now bring the much-desired change at Fecafoot. His football mates like Didier Drogba made similar campaigns and portrayed similar manifestos just to receive their shock when votes were counted.
Former Fecafoot boss Iya Mohamed seems to have understood the game. Reasons why he was voted as Fecafoot President while in Kondengui jail. Don’t ask why.
Le Cameroun c’est le Cameroun.