DRC: ”Bemba Can Return If He Wishes”- Official

Congolese Foreign Affairs Minister Leonard She Okitundu said Sunday that the former Vice President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Jean-Pierre Bemba “may return” to the country if he wishes. Okitundu did not specify whether Bemba will be prosecuted by the Congolese justice system.
In an interview with the press on Sunday, the Congolese foreign Affairs Minister added that “Jean-Pierre Bemba ‘‘left on his own will, and that he can return if he wants to’‘.
On a possible arrest warrant issued by the Congolese justice system against Bemba, Okitundu added that he was not informed about whether or not Bemba has a judicial record here’‘.
Bemba has since Friday been on bail in Belgium pending a final decision on his punishment, according to the International Criminal Court( ICC).
The ICC acquitted Bemba of crimes against humanity and war crimes but not in the case of bribery of witnesses.
The court issued “specific conditions” for his provisional release after ten years of detention, including “not changing address without notice”.