Diplomatic corps urge Biya to continue dialogue process in NWSW regions

Gabon’s Ambassador to Cameroon, Paul Patrick, who led the diplomatic corps as the senior member , to wish President Paul Biya happy new year at the Unity Palace on January 5, said the return of peace in the Anglophone regions also lie on dialogue and negotiations.
Through him, the diplomatic community saluted efforts made by the head of state in fighting against terrorism in Cameroon. They also hailed the acceleration of the decentralisation process, adding that the Government needs to make clarity about the functioning of the House of Chiefs, the Common law system and the English system of education in the North West and South West regions. Continuing dialogue and negotiations will be a good thing to fulfil the country’s efforts to maintain peace.
Cameroon was saluted for engagement in refugees from the Central African Republic but urged to look at those in Nigeria fleeing the armed conflict in Cameroon.
The diplomatic corps congratulated Cameroon for what they described as adequate handling of COVID-19 pandemic. “It was well managed and minimum deaths.” Paul Patrick daid.
Cameroon was also affected in the economic sector, by the war in Ukraine, the senior Diplomat said.
Biya’s leadership and engagement at African Union for attainment of 2063 agenda, is laudable, he said.

In response, president Paul Biya said the war in Ukraine has affected countries involved in international trade. He said there is need for peace so as to allow financial coherence and adaptable for African continent because this will allow African to adapt to finance.
He urged developed countries to respect their engagement to contribute money to compensate poor countries who are victims in the destruction of climate.
Security crises in the world and Africa are increasingly getting to uncontrollable situations, Mr Biya said. such conflicts also constitute block for development. When this happens, countries and their friends are left to solve issues affecting them.
The president ended by calling on the International Community to extend a hand of fellowship and help less developed countries attain objectives.