Dibanda PCC christians chase pastor from church

Some Christians worshiping at the Presbyterian Church Dibanda, Buea subdivision, chased their pastor away for allegedly insulting them.
He was chased on Sunday, October 15, 2023, at the church premises.
According to the Christians, the pastor has been insulting them each time they come to church and extorting money from them.
“You will not enter this church again, we had asked you to go peacefully but you refused, you wanted violence. Enough is Enough. Let us escort you to the house we built for you. We built you a house and when you come, you start insulting us in church, saying we are smelling, dirty, saying we are wearing smelling shoes” Some of the church members meted out their anger in a video that circulated on social media.
“My sweat is in your stomach, all the money I have given you, you still come and pour insults on us after everything, we are tired,” another voice said.
The Rev. ABogn Ezekiel did not utter a word but packed a few things and left the scene. The PCC has not reacted.
This is not the first time some Christians have had tension with their spiritual leaders. It h appened in Cite de Palmiere in Douala, littoral region and in Kumba, South West region.