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CBC Champions Education For Disability Campaign

Douala,Cameroon-Wednesday March 21, 2018-8:00 PM Local Time (Cameroon News Agency) The Cameroon Baptist Convention, CBC, has observed the 2018 edition of We Ring The Bell campaign to raise awareness on the importance of an inclusive education for children living with disabilities. Activities this year were organized in the West, Littoral and Centre regions.
in Douala, Littoral region, activities started with a march past by both students with and without disabilities drawn from six schools. They marched on streets chanting and some using their drums and vuvuzelas to send their message. This years them is ” ALL CHILDREN WELCOME IN SCHOOL INCLUDING CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES”.

Governor’s Representative, Others Blowing Vuvuzelas
We Ring The Bell campaign is an annual event organized by the Liliane Foundation and its Strategic Partner Organisations( SPO) and Partner organisations( PO) to raise awareness on the plight of Children with disabilities and special needs in Cameroon.

This Wednesday, school pupils in these three regions with or without disabilities used one minute to make loud noise using bells, drums vuvuzelas to call on the attention and commitment of policy makers, the government, civil society, parents, teachers and entire communities.

Administrative officials also took part in the campaign to boost the morals of the campaigners urging stakeholders to amplify measures to include children with disabilities in school curriculum. Reasons why the representative of Littoral Governor, who rang the bell saying it is a sign of commitment on the part of administration to the education of children with disability.