
Chris Anu-led IG opens diplomatic office in DC

The Separatists fighting for the creation of a country called Ambazonia, former Southern Cameroon’s, now North West and South West regions, have opened a diplomatic office in Washington DC.

There are four Interim Government’s, with each claiming to have absolute power over the independence war that started in 2016. But there are other groups like the Ambazonia Governing Council and the African Peoples Liberation Movement.

“This is an office even PLO, FNL had offices in countries and they were working with those countries so there is nothing strange when the US recognizes us as a movement, This is our movement office and from here many more things will be done, thank you very much.” A member of SCAPPO said.

The group emphasized that the building is an office and not a diplomatic mission and urged people not to confuse the office with a diplomatic mission.

Chris Anu, who prefers to be called Comrade Anu said setting up permanent structures like the diplomatic office should send a message to the government of Cameroon that they will not ‘cut and run’ but are into the revolution till the end.

He acknowledged that many people who came out in 2016 may no longer be supporting the struggle but that does not deter others to continue supporting them.

“We will embark on a mission to engage with the international community…we are here to assert our legitimate aspiration…to the government of the Republic of Cameroon, we issue a warning; we are not terrorists neither are we separatists, we are freedom fighters…we will utilize every peaceful means, available to use to achieve our independence,” Anu said during the launch of the office, adding that it is a symbol of their collective resolutions dn resilience.

For the past seven years, there have been clashes between Government forces and Ambazonia forces, with the latter fighting for the independence of the Anglophone regions, a former British territory.

Plans to negotiate a way out are not yielding fruits after the government was seen to be playing forum shopping and later abandoned talks led by Canada.

The government of Cameroon has said there is nothing like the independence of NWSW regions because they were legally reunited in 1961.

CNA learned that the Government of Cameroon has petitioned the US legal services not to allow the office to operate.

More than 60,000 refugees are in Nigeria while thousands of others have been internally displaced in Cameroon due to the armed conflict. More than 4000 persons have died according to figures from international bodies.

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