Cameroons Ahmed Abba is Among CPJ’s 2017 International Press Freedom Awardees

Douala, Cameroon- Monday September 18, 2017- 6AM Local Time ( Cameroon News Agency) Cameroons Ahmed Abba is part of CPJ’s 2017 IPFA honorees. The Committee to Protect Journalists,CPJ’s annual International Press Freedom Awards and benefit dinner has planned to honor courageous journalists from around the world on November 15, 2017, in New York City.
The dinner will be hosted by Christiane Amanpour, chief international correspondent for CNN and CPJ senior advisor. The 2017 dinner chairman is David Rhodes, president of CBS News.
CPJ’s 2017 IPFA honorees are:
Ahmed Abba, Cameroon

Patricia Mayorga, Mexico
Patricia Mayorga, who covers human rights and other issues for
the Mexican news magazine Proceso, was forced to flee
Chihuahua state after receiving threats in relation to her reporting.
Pravit Rojanaphruk, Thailand
Afrah Nasser, Yemen
Afrah Nasser is an award-winning exiled Yemeni blogger
who reports from Sweden on human rights violations,
women’s issues, and press freedom in Yemen.
Judy Woodruff

Originally published in CPJ