Cameroon-North West Region : Works on Babadjou-Bamenda Road Soon To Begin

Bamenda,North West Region
Public Works Minister Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi has been announced in Bamenda,North West regional capital this Tuesday May 16,2017 to launch the reconstruction of the Bamenda-Babadjou road with a 35 km distance.The event shall take place in Santa subdivision.
inclusive in the project is the  construction of the 5 km round-about track of the Bamenda entrance cliff and the 12 km urban section in the city of Bamenda with a total linear extent of 52 km,to the tune of FCFA 60.7 billion ,part of funding from the World Bank.
There will also be the constructions of facilities such a weighing station, two rest areas, a toll station, markets, several multiply portable water systems as well as the tarring of 50 km of secondary roads to open up farming areas.
Minister Djoumessi will also visit sites still under construction such as the construction of the second entrance into Bamenda, 20 km, as well as the Bamenda-Babessi and Ndop-Kumbo sections of the ring road, 60.5 km.