Cameroon Military Invades Shisong Catholic Hospital: Brutalize Security Guards, Promise to Set Structure Ablaze

By Wilson Musa
Some elements of the Cameroon military on Sunday, 14 November 2021 invaded the Saint Elizabeth General Hospital and the Cardiac Center in Kumbo in the search of separatist fighters whom they alleged were receiving treatment in the facility.
As narrated in a public notice signed by the Director of the hospital, Dr. Anshoma Helen Mbuoh, the combat-ready soldiers who came in 3 armored cars entered the hospital at about 1:30 PM and ordered to be given access into the emergency units. They were taken to the patient department which also serves as an emergency unit and a place where consultations begin.
Not satisfied with what they saw, the government forces insisted they wanted to be taken to the emergency unit. They then checked the consultation register thoroughly and proceeded to search the entire hospital building. They checked from unit to unit, ward to ward, the male and female medical units, pediatric unit, the maternity, and even the theatre were bumped into with patients, children, and pregnant women inside. After searching even private wards and toilets, nothing was found.
They then moved into intimidation, threats, and torture. They threaten to shoot the Reverend Sisters in the legs if they did not show them where they were hiding the wounded Ambazonia forces.
They then moved the into questioning security guards. Not satisfied with their responses, the guards were tortured with gun butts. Two hospital guards were severely beaten to near death, CNA learned.
They then moved to the Cardiac Unit and searched it thoroughly, but found nothing. While leaving the hospital at about 3:45 Pm, some of the soldiers promised the hospital’s administration that when next they come, they will set the entire hospital on fire.
This is not the first time the Cameroon military invades this health facility. They have done so several times. The last time they invaded the structure was on Monday, 19 July 2021, at about 2:15 am. After every invasion, the hospital administration would write a report to the local state authorities. The reports seemed to have been waved aside at each point, leaving this medical facility to be practically facing an existential threat perpetrated by the very state forces that are supposed to protect it.