Amba fighters accused of decapitating teenager in Bali

Samia Ulianda, a teenager and mother of a 15-month-old child in Bali Nyonga was murdered on Monday night, February 20, 2023, allegedly by Separatist fighters, a source told CNA.
Sources say the teenager was accused of betraying the Separatists after a military search led to the death of her baby daddy.
The fighter is said to have been injured and was taking treatment in a safe location until he was surrounded and shoot by government forces.
Separatists said Samia is the only one who knew the location and might have led the military to the place. She had previously been accused of having a love affair with a member of the Cameroon military.
The victim was picked up, allegedly tortured, raped, and killed.
“Amba boys confirmed that the girl was the only one who knew the location where he was taking treatment and is the one who reported to the military before he was captured.” a source said.