Cameroon-Health : Samuel Eto’o Pavilion Inaugurated

Public Health Minister Andre Mama Fouda has officially inaugurated the Samuel Eto’o Pavilion at the Laquintinie hospital in Douala May 8, 2017.
The Pediatric and emergency center was handed over to the government by the donor Samuel Eto’o in the presence of top authorities in Douala.

Public Health Andre Mama Fouda urged the public to make good use of the center by preserving the building and give confidence in doctors put in place. He appealed on the Press to collaborate with the Director of the laquintinie hospital, Dr Louis Richard Njock by not always writing negatively about the center but accompany him in his mission of saving lives.

Handing over the building with 48 beds said, “This hospital is for all Cameroonians”.
The hospital has 10 Doctors who according to Dr Njock will not able to accommodate denizens who will be flocking in for treatment. He pleaded for 16 more Doctors.
It was revealed that the center cost the donor Samuel Eto’o some FCFA 700 million.