Bamenda: Mezam SDO bans sporting activities on weekends at Up Station

The Senior Divisional Officer, SDO, for Mezam, has put an end to all sporting activities on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays at some junctions at Up Station.
According to the order signed by SDO Simon Emile on Wednesday, August 16, 2023, all sporting activities at Up Station, GRA, Governor’s Junction, Customs Junction, and Monument Junction are prohibited.
“That with effect from the date of signature of this present order, mass sporting activities around Up Station, GRA, Governor’s junction, Customs junction, and Monument junction are hereby prohibited on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays, while Parcours Vita remains available for the purpose”
The population has been warned that those who disrespect the order shall go down for it.
Security officials and the DO of Bamenda I have been given the right to see that the order is respected.
Bamenda is one of the hot spots for separatists and Up Station is a government residential area harboring a military base.