Bui Ambazonia Fighters Lockdown Division

It’s been a whole week and still counting since an unusual lockdown was imposed by Ambazonian fighters in Kumbo town, in Bui Division of the North-West Region. From Jakiri to Kumbo, roadblocks have been mounted and vehicles stopped from circulating. Late last week three vehicles were burned down as they left kumbo town unaware of the lockdown.
Some Kumbo residents say they are surprised with the unannounced lockdown by these fighters.

No group has claimed responsibility and the reason for the blocked. However, a Facebook post belonging to an Ambazonian activist who controls one of the groups of fighters in Kumbo revealed that the blockage is aimed at reducing circulation of people in order to check the importation of coronavirus into Bui. It is also a dedication to deceased ‘General’ Chacha, the commander of Bui Warriors who was slain two months ago.
Vehicles leaving Bamenda for Kumbo end in Jakiri where passengers proceeding to Kumbo are faced with two options; pay the exorbitant bike fares to continue their journey on foot.