Buea population urges university VC to intensify fight against indecent dressing

Some inhabitants of Buea are calling on the Buea University Vice Chancellor, Ngomo Horace, to provide more serious sanctions against students who dress indecently to school.
“The University of Buea under the leadership of Prof. Nalova Lyonga was very orderly and disciplined such that students dressed properly to school without being asked to,” Sylvanus Awu who is a former student of the institution recalls.
“The university I think has no strict rules anymore because the way students dress to school is unbelievable and to think the campus police are available at the gate…That shows a lot of laxity and disorder,” Anastasia Mbella says.
Furthermore, the people explain that a few years back, students with trousers above kneel level were not allowed into campus, dresses exposing armpits or sensitive parts of the body for women were not allowed but today, students are allowed to dress any how on campus.
Also, the girls’ hostel located on campus has been said to house the most indecent people because most of them throw on anything and get into lecture halls just because they already live on school premises.
“I lived in the university hostel for so many years and it was the most strict part of the school. At 9 pm you were expected to be in your room and every morning, noon and evening, guards were seated at their posts in front of the hostel. There was no way you would dress indecently and they would let you leave the hostel and this applied even to visitors. Everything has sure changed with students acting as they please,” Nerrisa Ngonsah an ex student recalls.
One of the campus guards who preferred to stay anonymous says they try their best to make sure students dress properly as each person is assigned to a different entrance into campus but according to him, students are very stubborn and he blames the numerous different unguarded foot paths students prefer to use and sneak into school without them noticing. The gaurd emphasized that they sometimes even patrol around campus to sort out students with indecent dresses and so can’t be accused of doing doing their job properly.