Breaking : Hon. Wirba Joseph Is Back!

Yaounde,Cameroon-June 21,2017(Cameroon News Agency) Hon Wirba Joseph was perceived in parliament today in Yaounde several months after he fled to an unknown destination (some sources talked of the UK ) due to the Anglophone crisis.
The SDF MP from Jakiri Constituency in Kumbo division,north west region was the August guest at the National Assembly whose appearance June 21,2017 was dramatic.
He mounted the rostrum today at the National assembly saying, “Wirba Joseph is back.” reminding the speaker of the National Assembly that he had written him a letter asking him to protect a fellow MP but never received a reply. Hon. Cavayé Yeguié Djibril said Hon. Wirba will never know what he did for him.

The MP was however asked to regain his seat when started talking about west Cameroon liberation, but he insisted saying, “I am back for same reasons i left, go and tell those who signed my arrest warrant to come and arrest me.”
He said he was ready to go to Kondengui if that was the only price to pay.He recounted how he has suffered where he was but did not disclose the exact place where went into hiding.
Hon. Wirba was last seen last year in December after the November session of Parliament and following his unprecedented outing at the National Assembly at the heart of Anglophone crisis which prompted the Delegate General of National Security to sign an arrest warrant against him.
Publisher of News Watch, Eugene NDI has posted that Hon. Fusi Namukong of SDF party,another vibrant MP was denied access to the rostrum on grounds that he was poorly dressed, he wore the north west traditional regalia.