Bamenda III Mayor takes temporary measures to handle frequent floods

The Bamenda-Bambui road has once again had circulation halted for several hours due to recurrent floods on the bridge linking Mile 3 to Mile 4 Nkwen in the Bamenda III sub-division, North West region.
Denizens say this is the order of the day whenever it rains heavily. The situation suffered by commuters and the population of the municipality for many years now was deplored recently when floods paralyzed circulation a week ago bringing most activities to a standstill.
Though the Bamenda City Mayor promised to bring a permanent solution in the days ahead, municipal authorities in Bamenda III have begun providing temporary solutions:
“We know the city council is aware of this issue. We know the city council will provide a long lasting solution not long from now but we cannot fold out arms and watch the population suffer during this period of heavy rainfall. I say sorry for all the suffering endured by users of this bridge. I am confident these temporary works done by the Bamenda III council will help remedy the situation somehow” Mayor Fongu Cletus Tanwie told CNA.
The municipal authority revealed that the frequent flooding is due to the construction of houses very close to the stream.
“Going by environmental and construction laws, this is not allowed. Any authority who encourages the construction of houses in streams or very close to them needs deliverance. The result is what we are experiencing today on the Mile 4-Mile 3 Nkwen bridge: crazy floods whenever it rains. This is has to stop” the Mayor stressed.

Mayor Fongu Cletus Tanwie also highlighted poor waste management as another human factor causing the floods.
“It’s very pathetic to see the river now used by some individuals as a place to throw trash. Ignorance or an act of lack of education, the waste deposited into the stream affects the flow of water and raises the water level such that the lightest rainfall provokes flood. We must learn to be responsible and aware of the dangers of our actions” Mayor Fongu added.
The temporal works on the site started on September 6th and are continuing although heavy rainfall the following day led to another flood causing the workers to temporarily halt works.
Most recently, the city council, during a midyear evaluation meeting, promised a permanent solution will be found in the months ahead.
Read also: Deliberations to rehabilitate Bamenda city roads begin