Bamenda City Mayor Buys Six Buses For Thousands of People, What A Joke!

The Bamenda city council has acquired and put six new buses at the disposal of the population of the chief town of the North West region of Cameroon to solve the problem of transportation faced by the people due to administrative and separatist restrictions on the circulation of bikes and vehicles in the urban periphery respectively.
Bamenda city mayor, Paul Tambeng Achobang said during a session Wednesday that the 18 seater buses, will be stationed in all three subdivisions, Bamenda I, II, and III. Users especially students will not be charged for a period of three months, after which the population will be asked to pay FCFA 100 per drop for maintenance. He added this will reduce sufferings the city dwellers face.
For three weeks now he city dwellers have been obliged to trek for long distances. After announcing the buses will be free for three months, many have begun asking if the restriction of bikes and vehicles will extend up to the three months.
Six Vehicles for thousands of people sounds like a joke. How will it accommodate the transportation needs of denizens? This shows that the decision to ban motorbikes was taken in a rush without an alternative.