Ambazonia Leader Tweets From Jail

Jailed Ambazonia leader, Sisiku Julius Ayuktabe breaks his twitter silence with 8 tweets in five minutes. The Ambazonia leader’s first tweet since January 1, 2018, is the flag representing Ambazonia, the breakaway State the people of North West and South West regions are fighting to achieve.
Sisiku wrote, “…Allegiance To The Heroes Who Bore The Land With Their Blood Glory To Glory We Rise And Never To Fall…”

He further explained in another tweet that, “On Jan 5, 2018, 12 of us met in #Abuja #Nigeria to discuss the degenerating refugee situation &to create a coordinating platform for our #refugee brethren, unfortunately, we were kidnapped & illegally traded to Cameroun where we are imprisoned/detained with many other compatriots”
The Ambazonian leader extended his words of encouragement to those who have held tight the struggle despite the obstacle.