
Alain Foka resigns from RFI after 30 years

“The story of hunting must stop being told solely from, the hunter’s point of view,” Alain Foka said in a goodbye video posted on his Social Media handles on Tuesday, October 17, 2023.

“After some thirty years of loyal service, during which I have tried on RFI’s airwaves to give you both an African reading of international news with MĂ©dias d’Afrique (daily for 16 years) and Le DĂ©bat africain (weekly for 12 years), as well as greater visibility for African champions with Afrique + (weekly for 5 years), and an African version of the contemporary history of our continent through Archives d’Afrique (weekly for 31 years); I have decided and chosen to leave RFI at the end of October 2023,” he announced.

Alain Foka said he has prepared huge surprises with the continuity of his programs in the weeks ahead.

“Rest assured, this is only a farewell, I would even say a new beginning, as I will continue to offer you African storytelling on my digital platform, where several million of you have already followed me and where I hope to see even more of you. Archives d’Afrique is also continuing more than ever in video form on the Alain FOKA Officiel (AFO) digital platforms, with reports, documentaries, interviews, columns, and much other African content.”

The story of hunting must stop being told solely from the hunter’s point of view. This is a new departure for a greater popularisation of African thought, projects, and vision in a world undergoing profound change. A big surprise in the coming months. A renaissance….
That’s all for now.

Alain Foka 2023

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