AGovC Joins Forces With IPOB

In a joint press conference with the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, on Friday April 9, 2021, the leader of the Ambazonia Governing Council said it is an “Alliance for survival crucial for purpose of self-preservation of two nations”. He went further to say that many other countries have collaborated among themselves including Cameroon and Nigerian, adding that “collaboration between Yaoundé and Asso Rock does not serve interest to Ambazonia or Biafra.”
Dr Ayaba Cho Lucas said the collaboration is defined in three phases with the phase one consisting being a win-win exchange of ideas and togetherness towards a common goal.

He adds that he does not know how the people of Biafra will execute their plan but as for Ambazonians, they have the right to self defense.
“We will continue to arm every Ambazonia to make sure that even after independence there will be no threat. What we should never allow again, Biafrans, Ambazonians and all people in the continent is to allow people to hijack our state.” Dr Ayaba Cho Lucas said.
The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu in a remark said that “It is a mission and journey, there is no turning back…it does not matter what the enemy is doing, any form of brutality against us, we are resolved and determined that we prosecute this campaign to an end. We must not make this mistake to think that help is going to come from someone else.”