There Is Still Hope For Clubfoot Children – Dr. Ndasi Henry

Dr. Henry NDASI orthopedic surgeon demonstrating how a child born with clubfoot can get treatment. It is 10 am at the Mboppi Baptist hospital in Douala, parents and medical staff have gathered at the waiting room of the medical facility to learn more about the clubfoot disease on June 3rd World Clubfoot day.
Global statistics say yearly, 150 to 200 thousand persons are born with the deformity on one foot or both but in Cameroon, about 800 cases are reported yearly. Dr. NDASI “If we are therefore making a diagnosis of less than five hundred per year, it means we are under diagnosing the condition in the country”.
Clubfoot is a deformity where a child’s foot is turned inward so severely that the bottom of the foot faces sideways or upward. Treatment amounts to 50.000FCFA divided into three different phases. Doctors add that treatment is easy from birth but more complex when the patient grows old for the muscles cannot be redressed easily.
Clubfoot has been placed under the Cameroon Clubfoot Care project by the ministry of public health and Douala has three centers at the Deido district hospital, Nylon district hospital, and the Mboppi Baptist hospital.