After Days of Sporadic Gun Shots In Mamfe: Relative Calm Returns, Massive Exodus

Mamfe, Cameroon-Friday December 15, 2017-10:00 PM Local Time (Cameroon News Agency) Following days of serious exchange of gun shots between Cameroons security forces and some unidentified men in the chief town of Manyu division, Mamfe in the South West region, several persons are reportedly leaving the town while others are seeking refuge in Churches, CNA has gathered.
Residents are still in shock after days of sporadic shots which disturbed the peace of the town; many have been packing their bags out of Mamfe to seek refuge in neighboring Nigeria or other sub divisions. It is feared the number of refugees in Nigeria will swell in the days ahead.

Many, especially from Egbekwa village were seen this Friday on streets carrying their boxes and baskets on their heads to an unknown destination while others seek refuge at the Mamfe Cathedral.
A resident told CNA, “Just this evening, I went out around 6 PM and saw hundredths moving out. Notably from Egbekwa village which is practically empty as I speak only old and disabled are left”.

On Thursday December 14, 2017 when gun shots were heard as early as 8 AM, the entire town was in total chaos, hearts of parents were pumping as their kids were still in school, one of such resident told CNA that they have been home all day but are worried on the whereabouts of their kids saying, “Our children went to school this morning, we do not know if they are safe and in what condition”.
According to our correspondent reports, the present situation has forced the Mayor of Mamfe to postpone the funeral ceremony of his late mother to next week.

Since security forces met face-to-face with assailants for the past days, no concrete balance sheet of the fight has been revealed but both camps are claiming victory. A social media post purportedly taken in DADI district hospital by Cameroons armed forces shows some men in army Uniforms with marked faces, a flag hoisted in front of the building, signs of a capture.
But same social media has been used by Pro-Restorationists of the State of Southern Cameroon, to debunk claims the Ambazonia Defense Forces has held the area before being chased away.
Since fighting began in the Manyu division, heavy casualties have been recorded so far with no specific figures advanced but Cameroons human and financial resources have been used to stop the escalation of violence whose efforts seems to be futile.
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