Armed Struggle In NW, SW: ADF’s General Ivo Murdered, In-house Fighting Intensifies

A popular fighter and commander of the Ambazonia Defense Forces, ADF, widely known as General Ivo, has been killed in Teke, Meme Division in the South West region, the Ambazonia Governing Council, AGC has confirmed Friday December 21, 2018. CNA learnt Ivo and 3 others died at the war front but it is not clear if he was fighting against soldiers or another group.The AGC has appointed Efang as new ADF commander.
When the news broke out, the Chairman of the Amabzonia Governing Council, Ayaba Cho Lucas posted on his official Facebook page announcing the demise of the General and appointment of now called General Efang.

From the Desk of the Chairman, Ambazonia Defense Council
This morning, one of Ambazonia”s bravest and finest breed was killed in action. General Ivo died in the battle of Teke. He was a rare breed, a true soldier of Ambazonia.
After due consultations, I have appointed and elevated Brigadier General Efang to the rank of General and the Overall Ground Commander of the Ambazonia Defense Forces. With the Gods of Ambazonia at his back and our support, he picks up the baton as we continue our inevitable march to Buea. He now shoulders an awesome responsibility and he needs all of us to help him carry it.
*Chairman of the Defense Council
Benedict Kuah
Ayaba Cho Lucas had earlier announced the passing away of General Ivo, describing him as ‘the bravest’, without giving further details how he died.

It is not clear how he died but reports say he was ambushed in Teke, Meme division by Cameroon soldiers who had succeeded to infiltrate the group before launching an assault. Pictures of his lifeless body and other fighters circulated on social media before this confirmation. CNA was reliable informed, the pictures were authentic.

However, in-house squabbles between groups fighting to restore the State of Southern Cameroon now preferred Ambazonia has led to untold damages an loss of lives. The fighting has been transformed from war of words on Facebook between Activists, especially those in the Diaspora , to fighters who are now engaged in exchange of fists. Recently over 10 fighters died in Batibo, North West region after two camps clashed. This followed that of Fako division where about 18 are reported to have died last Wednesday true same fate.
The disunity between the factions has been seen as a huge success by government troops who are using the situation to infiltrate the groups and cause further damages.