Yaounde: Suspected construction site thieves arrested

Elements of the first Gendarmerie region, Yaounde have arrested two men suspected of stealing building materials. A complaint from a victim led to a thorough search of the Etoa-meki neighborhood on July 18th and it is during this operation that the first suspect was nabbed. in his possession were part of the building material which had been declared stolen by its owner.
Questioning of the first man arrested and further investigations led to the arrest of his accomplice in the Odza neighborhood. It was discovered that an abandoned house at the Etam-Bafia neighborhood served as their warehouse. Two circuit breakers and 15 high value paint pots have been recovered.
While presenting the two suspects to the public this July 20th, the commander of the first Gendarmerie region thanked the population and urged them to continue collaborating with security forces in order to put an end to crime.