Yaounde: floods linger as dirt covers gutters

Housing and urban development minister Celestine ketcha Courtes has deplored the uncivic attitude of the population of Yaounde specifically those living in the Mfoundi division and avenue Kennedy as gutters have been filled with dirt of all sorts.
In a release dated July 15th 2022, the minister reiterates that the dirt dumped inside these gutters and in running waters block the existing drainage systems making the movement of water difficult.
Her reaction comes just few weeks after a heavy downpour caused flooding at the Avenue Kennedy neighborhood. During the month of June, three cases of flood were reported in the vicinity though no death was declared.
Minister Courtes in her fight to end floods in the political capital, has urged mayors to intensify sensitisation campaigns in their various municipalities so as to educate the population on proper waste management.
Read also: Yaounde: Ketcha Courtes wants flooding problem resolved