Separatist Leaders Welcome Biya’s Military Option, Say They Are Ready

The leader of the Ambazonia Interim Government and the Vice President of the Interim Government Care, have both said while they are pursuing a diplomatic means to end the crisis, a military option is primordial because Cameroon’s President is not showing any signs of withdrawing. During their end of year messages, Dr Samuel Sako of the Interim Government and Dabney Yerima of IG Care said they plan to frustrate Cameroon from organising the CHAN 2021.
Cameroons president, Paul Biya said during his end-of-year speech on December 21, 2020 that the only solution for separatist fighters is to drop their weapons and integrate the DDR centres. According to Biya, 86, the holding of the Major National Dialogue in 2019 was a success that will lead Cameroon out of the ongoing impasse in the two Anglophone regions.
But Separatists leaders have said they will purchase more guns to fight Cameroon military and regain their independence as was the case before 1961.
Samuel Sako said:
We have declared all players, match officials and Coaches, persona non grata. Warns hotels, individuals, public figures and participatory. “I have not declared any ceasefire, Ambazonia restoration Forces have not declared any ceasefire. We have sent official letters to all participatory countries that the CHAN, AFCON has been banned in Ambazonia.”
During his end of year activities, it was announced that a six months plan will be set aside for Fako division to hamper the organisation of the competition.
He said the UN Security Council and France has remained silent of what he describes as senseless genocide on the people of the northwest and southwest regions.
Says that Government forces said to have deserted are those who fell on the battle in the ongoing war. Informs all families that if a soldier has not communicated for months, it means that he has been killed in the war and buried somewhere in the bushes.
Says that Kumba School Massacre was committed by Government forces to implicate Ambazonia fighters. Key witnesses in most cases have disappeared.
Calls on the UN Security Council to establish an independent fact-finding mission to investigate crimes – It smells like complicity for the UN Security Council to keep on hearing only from one party.
Silence but aggressive diplomacy has been the cornerstone in 2020 with some UN Security Council members supporting the Swiss Process.
Tells France, you do not have to kill and displace others just to preserve your interest. The interest you are trying to preserve through this senseless proxy war will be jeopardised if Ambazonia is not free.
All Ambazonia Constitutional Draft Conference will be organised in 2021 in collaboration with some, Ambazonia Coalition Team, ACT members.
Says Diplomacy Without Defense is not enough- that armoured cars have been destroyed, that they are working on new grounds to get weapons, they have frustrated UNDP reconstruction program.
The vaccine called divide and rule has expired. refused to identify themselves by Cardinal Points as NWSW- says there will be three zones henceforth such as; the Equatorial Zones, Midland Zone and Savanna Zone.
Dissolved the Fako County Security Council and creates a National Emergency Security unit for six months.
While on January 3, 2021, Dabney Yerima said:
There will be prompt and definite response should Cameroon make attempts to host the CHAN in the southwest region. That they have written to participating countries, telling them of the danger that lies ahead.
New strategy to give the revolution fresh impetus with clear achievable goals to restore confidence and security- this will be based on four cardinal points such as DEFENSE-DIPLOMACY-FINANCE AND COMMUNICATION.
That traditional rulers should not be the political football for administrators.
That 2020 was a challenging year accusing government soldiers of carrying out the Ngarbuh massacre, Kumba school shooting, Murder of Journalist Wazizi, beheading of Comfort in Muyuka, divide and rule in Fako.
Operation Kpult will be launched to raise funds to drive the struggle.
Creation AR21 Amabzonia Refugee program that will act as an archive program for possible referendum in future.
Creation of a humanitarian foundation, called “Rekindle Hope Outreach” that will coordinate humanitarian affairs with other NGOs for Refugees and IDPs.
Has Instructed Secretary for Economy and Finance Tabenyang Brado to present finance records for auditing.