Yaounde: Family alleges Doctor delivered deceased daughter through C-section while intoxicated

By Charity Nginyu
A young pregnant woman, Ondoa Elodie, tragically lost her life following a cesarean section performed by a reportedly drunk surgeon at the Afrique Future Hospital Center of Deo Gratias Catholic Hospital in the Emana neighborhood in Yaounde, the family has claimed.
The incident has sparked outrage and legal action, with the family filing a complaint against the hospital for negligence and involuntary manslaughter.
According to reports, Ondoa Elodie visited the hospital to meet with her gynecologist but was unexpectedly admitted. Shortly after that, she underwent a cesarean section performed by a surgeon who was allegedly under the influence of alcohol.
Despite delivering a healthy baby, the family claimed Ondoa Elodie began to hemorrhage profusely after the surgery, with hospital staff failing to intervene effectively.
Tragically, she succumbed to her condition, leaving her newborn daughter motherless.
The family, represented by their legal counsel, Barrister Alexandre Ndengue Ngango, has lodged a formal complaint against Deo Gratias Catholic Hospital, accusing them of negligence and manslaughter.
In the complaint, they detailed the sequence of events leading to Ondoa Elodie’s untimely death and highlighted the lack of adequate medical attention provided by the hospital staff.
The complaint alleged that Ondoa Elodie’s post-surgical complications were ignored, ultimately leading to her demise. It also raised questions about the competence and professionalism of the medical personnel involved in her care.
Furthermore, the family’s legal representative has called for a thorough investigation into the incident and accountability for those responsible. They demand justice for Ondoa Elodie and her orphaned daughter.
The administration of the said medical facility is however yet to react to the outburst by the visibly enraged family of the deceased.