Wututu population begging BIR to do their job

it is a spectacular scenario reminiscent of a Buea comedy show. The population of the Bonjongo Court area in Buea subdivision on Sunday, June 12, 2022, blocked the entrance into the neighborhood pleading with members of the Cameroon army not to leave their makeshift barracks.
Information was circulated that the government forces were on their way after weeks of maintaining peace in the area. But the people fear that AMbazonia forces may come after them, a civilian said.

With peace plants, sticks, and other items, men and women marched on the streets begging the government forces not to leave the area.

But the elements of the Rapid Intervention Batallion had packed their bags and other items to leave.
Observers hold that the people do not need to beg the security forces who feed on taxpayers for their security.
A BIR commander arrived at the scene and assured them the forces will not leave as soon as possible but that they will certainly part ways in the days ahead.