Lawyers’ Strike Gets Backing From 12 NGO’s, 5 Political Parties

Some 12 Non-Governmental Organisations, including rights and pressure groups, with 5 political parties have made a joint statement backing the nationwide strike announced by the Cameroon Bar Association from September 16- 20, 2019.
The Lawyers are denouncing abuse of rights of prisoners, obstructing lawyers from carrying out their duties, torture of prisoners and even physical torture of some lawyers.
The Executive body of the Bar met under President Tchakounte and decided that the only way forward will be to order “ghost courts” for five days.
Civil Society organisations have welcomed the initiative adding that those who have led Cameroon cannot solve the litany of problems faced by her citizens. “
We must realize as Cameroonians that the people who have led our country to this juncture of poverty, insecurity, corruption and violence will not find solutions to these problems. It is up to us as Cameroonians to take a stand and take action to lead our country out of this dire situation.
To take Cameroon out of the multiple crises in which we find ourselves, each of us must do her/his part. We must take a stand for fundamental rights and freedoms and we must support all organizations that stand for these fundamental rights.
We stand with the Cameroon Bar Association as it stands for our rights as Cameroonians.
The joint statement which was also signed by renowned human rights lawyer, Barrister Alice Nkom also urged Cameroonians to attend the trial of the CRM members which opens on September 6, 2019.
“Mobilize to attend the trial in vast numbers in order to ensure transparency and justice in the judicial process. Continue to mobilize in black every Friday to stand up for the rights of all detainees and prisoners. Provide moral and financial support to all prisoners and detainees.” A statement read.